Simple plus effective ways of getting capital as a small entrepreneur !

How can a small entrepreneur who doesn’t have meaningful collateral get capital? This is the million dollar question being asked by every ambitious entrepreneur. I will therefore, make use of this space to give you not only simple but effective ways through which you may get capital as a small business. So continue reading because these tips may turn out to be the answers you have been looking for all this time and which have come for free!

Package yourself right in the digital space

If you present yourself as a beggar you will get donors but if you present yourself as a professional entrepreneur you will get investors. You should know that how you package yourself determines the kind of crowd you attract. The digital space is the best place to start packaging yourself right as a professional since its where any one can easily find anybody. How do you appear to people on major networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter? Its high time you begin to seriously work on your business’s image in the digital space. Facebook for example has cool features like those showing whether or not your business is still open, those that give directions and many more which if given the right attitude can convey the impression of a vibrant enterprise to new visitors and this is effective because it is truly said the first cut is the deepest !

Package yourself right in the physical space

Creatively branded social media pages, physical offices and documents will count to naught if you as a representative of the company you are always seen showing up for business in khaki shorts and sandals like a tourist.  People would like to know you better and the first step in doing this is by  judging how you initially present yourself to them through your attire. Though good offices are important I believe that being presentable is more important. If you are presentable but your office is not that nice people can ignore how your office look because they will think you are yet able to afford a better one. Failure to afford the office of one’s dreams is almost everyone’s problem. But if you are in khaki shorts but have good offices they will think you are not serious and dismiss how your offices look nice as make-believe.

Show that you have real operations

Having real operations on the ground and showing this to prospective investors is vital because many a fly-by-night business pause as start-ups. Therefore, people should know that you have real solutions and you do have a real market for these. They should know that you have plans that you execute in order to achieve your ends. This must also include personal traits like discipline and tenacity. Many people admire the later because they have been associated with successful entrepreneurs the world over.



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