The executioner of sales

Executioner: One who carries into effect.
The biggest problem of small enterprises is incurring costs towards acquiring prospective customers through marketing but failing to convert these to paying ones. One of the key answers to this dilemma is in knowing how to handle leads through effective execution by sales once the prospect is supplied to them. Your favourite digest on sales and entrepreneurship Sunrise Talk is going to share principles indispensable in the conversion of leads so that even without a sales qualification you can become the executioner of sales par excellence.


To become the executioner of sales you should have the right mind set and one of the principles upon which this right mind set is based is that successful sales do not happen by default but by design.


The purpose of pre-qualifying leads is to determine whether or not they are worthy the time and resources of a meeting.
Catalogues, flyers or brochures sent by email or whatsapp will never demonstrate product benefits by proxy.
There is no magic formula for successful closing because if you do preliminary things well closing is natural.

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