“How to create a profitable mailing list – From Concept To Profit Part 1”


You are an entrepreneur, innovator, engineer … of a new product, service, website, book etc but you wonder “ How can I sell it ?”

In these free courses From Concept To Profit: A New Product Digital Marketing Blueprint Part 1, 2 and 3 Iam going to teach you how to sell your new product using a type of marketing called a product launch so that you can become successful and live the life of your dreams.

About The Author

Hie ! Iam the founder of Sunrise Digital Marketing Agency in Harare, Zimbabwe.

 I help startups and entrepreneurs launch new products online so that they stimulate sales, become successful and be able to live the life of their dreams.

This course is Part 1 and it looks at the sub-topic How To Create A Profitable Mailing List.

So if you haven’t please submit your contact details in the opt in page at the end in order to make sure that you receive all three courses in your inbox.

This course is something you can learn and successfully implement. I myself learnt about these wonderful ideas after many years of try and error so this is experiential knowledge.

 Its an exciting story about when I was getting started in real estate sales around 2007.

If you haven’t heard about it here is the story.

As the Zimbabwean economy went under my father always told me to start my own “thing”.


Having being influenced by my father to like entrepreneurship I was attracted to real estate.


But the competition there wasn’t kind to a newcomer.

 You know I was just a school

 leaver who only

 knew poem writing. 

I still have fond memories of my masterpiece Wilderness Wanderer which talked about a beautiful girl searching for true love. So I had no marketing skill at all, and I was eventually fired for poor sales.


I joined another real estate agency. This time I wasn’t fired but the agency owner simply told me the words, “maybe selling real estate isn’t for you” so I left on my own.


Ultimately, I had to answer one question, “How can I improve my sales of real estate?” 

Being on death ground my creativity was stimulated and I managed to turn poem

 writing to property article writing. I needed a blog to publish these posts so my first

 blog called Property Matters News was born.

           A turning point  …

The year 2014 was a turning point because I managed to attract a client who would later pay me USD 1 000.00 commission after she read a blog article titled;


 “ Financial consequences of purchasing property from a seriously-ill seller and other purchases to avoid ”.


After this breakthrough I realized that like me many entrepreneurs out there were also struggling to get started so I established an enterprise focused on helping them. 

My work for others …


My work for others started with a blog being one of the critical tools because it helps to create a buzz.


Here are examples of blogging work done for clients;

Industry : Health And Wellness

Industry: Construction

Industry: Food

The Problem You Face


But there is a problem you face as an entrepreneur and that problem is associated with selling a new product because people do not buy from the shelf a product they do not know.

Your new product is going head to head with established brands and common sense dictates that you will not win if you use the same marketing tactics. 

However, a solution to this problem is deploying online a type of marketing called a product launch. A product launch is a process that heralds a new product before its availability in the market.

When releasing new products it is the strategy of choice also for major brands ranging from Apple iPhones and Hollywood movies. An example for movies are trailers that come a long while before the movie.

Advantages Of An Online Product Launch

(1) An online product launch is cost effective considering that some critical elements like social media are free.

A product launch can also be done physically but with things like venue hiring costs becoming critical elements the expenditure can be unbearable. Covid 19 lockdowns will also add extra headaches.

(2) It educate prospects about the coming product especially its selling points.

(3) It facilitate feedback which helps the entrepreneur to polish up the product before committing more resources.

(4) It creates an online community on social media or a so called buzz which helps in influencing more people into getting interested.

(5) It creates a sales growth momentum once product hits the market.

Are you introducing a new product? Do you think a product launch can take away associated headaches ? Yes it certainly does !

So here is how a product launch is done.


Online Product Launch Overview


#1 Create a mailing list

#2 Create a blog post

#3 Create three types of content or value that are free

#4 Sale your product or service as a limited offer



                 Create a mailing list


Why a mailing list is important ?

A mailing list is the only thing you can truly control on the internet therefore, it is your insurance policy and your online piece of real estate.

Today social networks – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc are more of paid platforms.

Therefore, a mailing list is the first thing to establish when doing a product launch or any form of digital marketing.


Mailing list rules

(i) Violation Of Privacy : People on your mailing list must have agreed to be on that list or opted in otherwise you are spamming.

(ii) Quality : Not everyone goes on your mailing list. You must therefore, pre-qualify in order to ensure that only leads are on the mailing list.

(iii) Consistency and relevancy : Continuously nurture and grow your mailing list with relevant content


 Steps for creating a great mailing list.


Step 1: Know your customer – Create a buyer persona

Step 2: Create a lead magnet plus a blog post

Step 3: Mailing list creation technics

Step 4: How to use email marketing platforms - Google Mail And Contacts



This site is made available for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of issues herein covered, not to provide specific advice. Its content should not be used as a substitute for competent advice from licensed practitioners.