How To Do Content Marketing ? - From Concept To Profit Part 3


Hey welcome back! Welcome to Part 3 of From Concept To Profit: A New Product              Digital Marketing Blueprint training series. Thank you for the support and                                                                participating in Part 2.

 Iam very excited ! Iam very excited because generally this is an opportunity for many entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe and Africa who usually trail behind in terms of                                           technology to begin using online marketing.


                                                    About The Author 

    Hie ! Iam Cain Ndhlovu the founder of Sunrise Digital Marketing Agency in Harare, Zimbabwe.

 I help startups and entrepreneurs launch new products online so that they stimulate sales, become successful and be able to live the life of their dreams

The offline marketing methods like banners, fliers and print newspapers they use are very expensive and outdated.

 Iam also very excited because specifically this an opportunity to learn about a special digital marketing method for entrepreneurs with new products called a Product Launch and associated how-to-detail.  

A Product Launch is exactly what the doctor has prescribed because in my geographic area we do have many creators of products who wonder “ How can I sell this?”.

You see people will not buy from the shelve a product they do not know about. So a product launch solves this problem and enables you to eventually live the life of your dreams as a successful entrepreneur.

In Part 2 of our series From Concept To Profit: A New Product Digital Marketing Blueprint we talked about a Marketing Blog but in Part 3 we will talk about another critical aspect of a Product Launch and its called Content Marketing.

You might have heard about it. But what is Content Marketing ? To get started let me walk you back into time a little bit and tell you about how I got started in all of this.

How do people get involved in this and how can you as well. Well you know the way I got involved in this isn’t some big strategy play.

But it was something I was forced into by poor sales results.

 It’s a story about my first years of struggle in real estate.

As the Zimbabwean economy went under my father always told me to start my own “thing”.


Having being influenced by my father to like entrepreneurship I was attracted to real estate.


But the competition there wasn’t kind to a newcomer.


You know I was just a school leaver who only knew poem writing.


I still have fond memories of my masterpiece Wilderness Wanderer which talked about a beautiful girl searching for true love. So I had no marketing skill at all, and I was eventually fired for poor sales.


I joined another real estate agency. This time I wasn’t fired but the agency owner simply told me the words, “maybe selling real estate isn’t for you” so I left on my own.


Ultimately, I had to answer one question, “How can I improve my sales of real estate?”

Being on death ground my creativity was stimulated and I managed to turn poem writing to property article writing.

At first I distributed the articles by e-mail as PDFs but I realized that to reach a bigger audience I also needed to be on the world wide web.

 A generous friend introduced me to a blog and my first blog called Property Matters News was born.

Overtime I continued improving and perfecting my knowledge of a blog.


A turning point  …

The year 2014 was a turning point because I managed to attract a client who would later pay me USD 1 000.00 commission after she read a blog article titled;


 “ Financial consequences of purchasing property from a seriously-ill seller and other purchases to avoid ”.

My increased knowledge of blogging and digital marketing continued to earn me more clients.

Later two start-up owners after going through my LinkedIn profile approached me so that I could help them transform their concept into a viable website. More ...



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