4 Digital Marketing Success Secrets To Know Before Engaging A Website Development Company In Zimbabwe


Are you searching for a Zimbabwean company to engage in the development of your website as part of your digital marketing ? This exercise can be a real headache considering that plenty of website development companies shows up when you search for a website development company online. Fortunately, this blog post will help ease the pain by assisting you choose the best through providing the 4 digital marketing success secrets .

The point is you want a website that will give return on investment. Right ? Unfortunately, many websites turn out to be wasted online resources because entrepreneurs nose dive into website development and hosting without the requisite knowledge about what characteristics a proper website and successful digital marketing campaign should have. I emphasize the importance of this because a website isn’t created for the sake of it but as a lead and sales generating tool within the overall digital marketing strategy .

In the following text I will tell you the secrets of a successful website and a successful digital marketing campaign. But who am I ? Iam Cain Ndhlovu the founder of Sunrise Digital Marketing Agency in Harare, creator of a free online training titled FromConcept To Profit: A New Product Digital Marketing Blueprint, a blogger and I help startups and entrepreneurs launch new products online so that they stimulate sales, become successful and be able to live the life of their dreams.

I think I should also tell you how I got started in what I do because it wasn’t some big strategy play but an interesting humble beginnings story.

As the Zimbabwean economy went under my father always told me to start my own “thing”. Having being influenced by my father to like entrepreneurship I was attracted to real estate. I thought a commission based employment was a perfect start.

But the competition there wasn’t kind to a newcomer. You know I was just a school leaver who only knew poem writing. I still have fond memories of my masterpiece Wilderness Wanderer which talked about a beautiful girl searching for true love. So I had no marketing skill at all, and I was eventually fired for poor sales.

I joined another real estate agency. This time I wasn’t fired but the agency owner simply told me the words, “maybe selling real estate isn’t for you” so I left on my own.

Ultimately, I had to answer one question, “How can I improve my sales of real estate?”

Being on death ground my creativity was stimulated and I managed to turn poem writing to property article writing.

At first I distributed the articles by e-mail as PDFs but I realized that to reach a bigger audience I also needed to be on the world wide web.

A generous friend introduced me to a blog and my first blog called Property Matters News was born. Overtime I continued improving and perfecting my knowledge of a blog.

 A turning point  …

The year 2014 was a turning point because I managed to attract a client who would later pay me USD 1 000.00 commission after she read a blog article titled;

 Financial consequences of purchasing property from a seriously-ill seller and other purchases to avoid ”.

This article resonated with the lady because she had purchased a Harare house in Msasa from a seriously ill seller. There was an outstanding balance. She decided to clear the balance by selling a piece of land in Madokero.

On the blog there was an opt in page that said “ To get a real estate agent who can help you conveniently sell property please leave your details here”. The lead put her contact details there, I got a client and the rest is a story that ended well with a USD 1 000.00 commission.

You may ask, “What is an opt in page ?” This takes us to the first digital marketing secret you must know called an opt in page.

But before talking about this let me first talk about something also important. As I struggled with poor sales I decided that digital marketing was the answer. But why digital marketing ?  There are many offline options available for example newspaper, bill boards, radio, flyers etc.

My answer is in an eye opening comparison below;

(1) Audience

Online marketing – infinite

With digital media the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks  can  help you to literally ensure that someone across the world sees the AD depending with how you target it .

Offline marketing – limited

Geographically speaking only people who drive past the bill board will be affected by it.

(2) Targeting

Online marketing – specific

Social media help you with buyer persona so that you are able to target the right audience.

Offline marketing – approximate

You can’t really determine who is to see the bill board but estimate based on e.g how affluent or not is the area .

(3) Customer interaction

Online marketing – feedback

Social media gives customers a voice and allows interaction which is something valuable because it helps to mold your campaign making it more customer centric.

Offline marketing – delayed communication

If your customers don’t like the AD they can’t tell you through the bill board but they have to put a lot of effort in contacting you or they just stop buying your product.

These are some of the reasons I considered in choosing digital or online marketing ahead of everything else.

So what are these four secrets of digital marketing success. Here is the first.

Secret #1: An Opt In Page

The website you want to set up for your business MUST have an opt in page. In my formative years this was the catalyst that really helped in facilitating a turning point for my career in real estate sales.

What’s an opt in page ? Sometimes it is called a lead capture page, sometimes its called a squeeze page its still the same thing its an opt in page. It’s a page where your website visitors see a promise that says “Hey enter your name and e-mail right here and you are going to get access to this free thing.” A person who exchanges contact details for your free piece of value becomes a lead.

Why is that important ? It helps you convert visitors to leads and leads are people who will become customers. This is called pre-qualification. Do you want to be a better closer ?  Aspire to be better at pre-qualifying for leads instead ! Sales people waste time talking to bad prospects when good prospects passes by.

These leads are very valuable because as I said they are people most likely to buy. But its not yet time to bombard them with products for sale so after acquiring leads the next step is to use them to create a mailing list. This takes us to the next secret.

Secret #2 : A Mailing list

A mailing list is very important because one, it is a digital asset you can truly own. Your social media accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc are controlled by the social network to a greater extend. For example Facebook is now more of a paid platform because you now have to pay to get in front of your own friends. So a mailing list is your insurance policy.

Two a mailing list allows you to do what is known as content marketing. Content marketing is the best online marketing idea and it dictates that you must first send content, value or free educational material to leads before asking them to buy.

People can not buy if they first do not know the value they are getting out of your products. So by first sending them free content you are actually demonstrating value. This is why I cautioned earlier on that as soon as you get a lead’s contact details it is not best time to bombard him or her with products for sale.

So far I have kept on talking about a lead about whom I said he starts as website visitor. But you may ask, “How do you bring these visitors to your sight in the first place ?”

This takes us to our third and forth secrets.

Secret #3 : Social media

The last time I checked Facebook, LinkedIn and Whatsapp only,  had a combined  4.6 billion active subscribers. Its almost every one on the planet on only three social networks !  What these means is that firstly social media is a huge source of website visitors.

Secondly, it helps create social proof. The likes and followers on your brand helps to influence others into eventually becoming your customers. Humans when they see others doing something they are usually influenced to do it as well. This is the power of social proof.

So its critical to open social media accounts, set up things like branded pages and actively participate there.

Secret #4 : Google Search (+ other search engines)

Today people yourself included when we want to find information online we search on search engines Google search being the largest of them all. In the same sense it is therefore, important that your website is optimized for search engines so that when prospective customers search your website ranks amongst the top in results. So search engine optimization (SEO) is  very important. Doing it well can be as good as acquiring a license to print money.

But you should be wary of SEO spam. What is this ? These are methods banned by Google like link baiting because they seek to get an advantage on search results in a way that Google deem violates its Terms and Conditions.

So what are the approved ways of getting the best ranking on search results ? At the top is a blog. Making regular “how-to” blog posts attract search engines’ attention because search engines like latest information that provides answers to users.

In my free course From Concept To Profit: A New Product Digital Marketing Blueprint I teach how to create a free blog for marketing purposes.

But the issue of SEO spam is serious and this is why Google invested millions into a software called Penguin. This a police man to ensure that the terms and conditions are not violated in this regard.

Below is an in-depth look at this issue and other similar mistakes you must be aware of in as far as digital marketing is concerned.

4 Common Online Marketing Mistakes Exposed !


1. Not marketing your website or blog

Many believe that once a site is live it will market itself and visitors will flock to it in their millions. This is fallacious. Without real efforts to distribute your site’s content especially on social media and search engines your site is wasted resource. There are over one billion websites on the internet today so what are the chances of someone stumbling upon yours?


2. Having unrealistic expectations

Sometimes this is caused by the assumption that online initiatives have overnight results. Yes there are cases of exceptional success but these are rare at best. If you are wise you don’t base strategy on exception but on the rule and the rule is that online success is built upon hard work not shortcuts.


3. Engaging in shady practices

A certain programmer once told me he could improve my blog’s ranking on Google for certain key words. When I asked him to explain how I discovered that his methods were what Google call SEO spam or black hat methods that may involve tricking the search engine into giving you a better search ranking for certain key words. Google has invested millions for combating SEO spam that is why they have developed software programs like Google Penguin. Being penalized by Google is something difficult to fix. You may experience a short term gain but eventually you will loose.


4. Marketing to everyone

Many companies erroneously measure a website’s success by the quantity not quality of visitors. A site require the right visitors because at the end you need visitors who will convert to customers.



In my experience as a digital marketer I have noticed that many people who start a business commission the development of websites that end up as white elephants. One of the reasons for this is that you as an entrepreneur and the programmer do not know what technological features a website must have in order to function as a successful digital marketing tool.

If you want a more detailed understanding about digital marketing in this regard you can register today for my free training titled From Concept To Profit : A New Product Digital Marketing Blueprint .

Course Details

Tuition   =   Free

Method of delivery = E-Mail

Number of courses = x3 PDFs

Duration  = Each PDF Is Less 45 mins read

Click Here To REGISTER



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