The first step towards social media marketing success

Last year in 2022 you might have been wondering why your social media marketing wasn’t producing desired results ? Failure to produce desired results or a return on investment (ROI) leads to loss. It is therefore, important to find out what was it that was causing problems last year so that you do not repeat the same mistakes this year. There are many things that might have caused problems one of them is not doing it right from the start!

We are in January so there is no better time for learning about this idea. In social media marketing how can we do it right ? Before doing anything you must find out who your ideal customer is. One of the biggest marketing mistakes by businesses is attempting to be everything to everyone. As an entrepreneur you must avoid trying to be everything to everyone by targeting your marketing on a niche. This is a success secret for big companies too for example consider Microsoft it has a niche and its called software. Likewise you also should do niche marketing .

Knowing who your ideal customer is will also influence you to write customer focused content on your blog and website. This technic will help your website to convert visitors to prospective customers and eventually to paying customers. Do you have a website ? Here is a free solution if you want that site to perform instead of continuing being a white elephant in 2023 also.  

So to ensure social media marketing success you must target a niche and this begins by first knowing who your ideal customer is. After you have known who your ideal customer is your campaigns on Facebook, LinkedIn or any social channel targets these particular individuals.

But how do you know who your ideal customer is ?

In order to know your ideal customer you must create a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a semi fictional representation of your ideal customer and its created by conducting interviews of paying customers and these are only those people who have bought your product or service.

I have been talking a lot about a buyer persona have you ever attempted creating one ?

Well, to help you get started here are some few questions you can ask.


1) What is your job role? Your title?

2) How is your job measured?

3) What does a typical day look like?

4) What skills are required to do your job?

5) What knowledge and tools do you use in your job?

6) Who do you report to? Who reports to you?


7) In which industry or industries does your company work?

8) What is the size of your company (revenue, employees)?


9) What are you responsible for?

10) What does it mean to be successful in your role?



                                     11) What are your biggest challenges?

However, if your ideal customer is within the category of entrepreneurs, salespeople, marketers and owners of small to medium enterprises I have a solution that can help you avoid the hassle associated with buyer persona creation .

These people are my ideal customers too. They are the audience for my blog Sunrise Talk. Before I created this blog I first created a buyer persona. This helped me to search and find the  ideal buyer on social media.

It also helped me create a mailing list made up of my ideal customer or prospective customer only. This mailing list is a foundation of Sunrise Talk.

To learn more about this wonderful opportunity and solution please click today the link below.

Are entrepreneurs, salespeople, marketers and owners of SMEs your target market ?



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