LinkedIn A Gold Mine Of Customers ! Here Are Five Ways To Mine It !


Do you ever wonder how can you convert all those LinkedIn connections to leads and customers? If your LinkedIn connections can’t be converted to leads and customers then your time spent on this site is not worth it because you have sales goals to meet at the end of the month. This is very important because as an entrepreneur, marketer or salesperson if you do not sell you do not eat. However, in this article Iam going to help you make good use of your time on LinkedIn by showing you five ways that can help you generate increased sales from this site.

If it means increased sales certainly this is an important topic I

 have just introduced. But what makes things more exciting is

 that what I will teach you is easy to learn. Certainly, its

 opposed to the situation of a particular brother who earned $1

 000.00 per month but after de-mining deadly landmines in

 Afghanistan. The key technic called script prospecting is my

 innovation, I use it everyday so you can also use it. It works

 not only on LinkedIn but also on Facebook and Twitter. Its


Script prospecting was born from a struggle and I like to tell its story. If you haven’t heard about it here it is.


You know I was just a newcomer in the real estate industry and on one occasion I was fired and on another my boss told me “maybe selling real estate isn’t for you”. These were difficult moments in my career so I had to answer one question, “How can I improve my sales of real estate?”


I had no relevant experience at all but I was just a high school leaver who only knew poem writing. I was also alone. The people who were supposed to act as my mentors could not help. These were people trying to survive an economic meltdown.


At a time when internet technologies were changing lives many Zimbabweans were afraid of technology something called technophobia. Probably this was one of the reasons why we were starving.


Meanwhile my friends and I were being dazzled by the emergency of social media. All along we knew networking as something that happened only in the physical space at premium events like expos but now it had moved to the digital space called social media where attendance was free.


So I joined at first Facebook and then LinkedIn and Twitter later. A great interest in internet based media had been aroused in me so I became a blogger too. Furthermore, a friend downloaded real estate sales videos from You Tube and gave them to me.


A turning point …


A generous friend introduced me to a series of real estate sales training videos by a top American coach called Mike Ferry.


I took particular note of the role of scripts in lead generation and prospecting. Mike said “ The reason why many agents fail is that they do not know what to say when they meet prospects.” This resonated with me because I had this problem of not knowing what to say when meeting prospects.


So he invented scripts that were to be practiced and memorized so that when you meet a prospect you know what to say.


The idea that knowing the right thing to say rather than rambling on in front of prospects played an important part in effective lead generation made sense to me. So I decided to try this out by creating own scripts to be used on LinkedIn.


The results …


The script would be perfected as time went by and after years it could convert LinkedIn connections to leads. This satisfied the first step of the selling process called lead generation and prospecting. So I called my innovation script prospecting !


Lead generation and prospecting aren’t the first step of the selling process only but they are the most important part because sales is a numbers game. For example if you want one customer in a week you must have 10 leads. To generate 10 leads you must prospect on 100 people. So what this tell you is that you must do lead generation and prospecting on as much people as possible in order to have sales. Some people do everything right but they do not sell simply because they don’t do enough of the first thing. 


So script prospecting helps you do prospecting on as much people as possible because the process is a simple one involving just scripts or prepared statements that you copy from a Microsoft Word document and paste in the Messaging of your social network.


Here are some examples of paying customers I acquired this way ;

You also can use this technic to acquire your own customers.

 So to do this Iam going to show you five LinkedIn features

 and opportunities that facilitate the use of script prospecting.

So what are these five ways for mining the Linkedin gold


Here are they;


(1) Birthday anniversaries        

(2) Work anniversaries

(3) Education achievements



(4) First time connections

(5) Old connections


How script prospecting is used is the same in all these

 opportunities. I am therefore, going to give you an example

 using (1) Birthday anniversaries.


(1) Birthday anniversaries

Engagement is key when prospecting. Your target must

 interact with your marketing message. LinkedIn helps you

 make this happen by taking advantage of things that are dear

 to people like birthdays, work anniversaries and educational


If you sent a “ Happy birthday” message a person will say “

 thank you”.

Here is how you should continue with the conversation as you

 do script prospecting.



Happy birthday



Thank you



Hey Iam offering a free e-book titled, How to sell a house ? Do you happen to know

 someone who may want it ?



I want it



Please share your email address.




Under the Free Plan of The LinkedIn Connections

 Converter course you can learn about this wonderful technic.

 However, the Free Plan doesn’t give you great results what

 you get from it will just keep you going.

To get great results you must upgrade to the Premium Plan

This plan unlocks do it yourself guides that breaks down the

 selling process.

Learn more about the Premium Plan, please click Premium Plan  today.



This site is made available for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of issues herein covered, not to provide specific advice. Its content should not be used as a substitute for competent advice from licensed practitioners.