Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Latest Must-Have Technology For Enhancing Start-up Growth


Welcome back again. I am Cain Ndhlovu the Chief Executive Officer of Sunrise Start-up Solutions and creator of the three-part free training series for you on Start-up Growth Mastermind. If you haven’t registered for this flagship and amazing training yet please click here to do so.

Sunrise as the name suggests means a bright new beginning. Inspired by this I help start-ups, entrepreneurs, founders together with CEOs, sales and marketing professionals to grow their businesses through outsourced online marketing services and to upgrade their online marketing skills through training programs so that they become able to make significant achievements in their lives sooner rather than later.

If you have a dream that one day your start-up can enable you to buy a house, a dream car etc then that enterprise should grow. However, online marketing is not the only way to grow your business. In fact there are a total of three ways for growing your business namely, attraction, optimization and retention.

Attraction is all about creating a pre­dictable, profitable, and consistent way of generating new customers. Optimization is about maximizing the value your business generates for the customer. At any time, a percentage of your customers are willing and want to buy more from you—they need the right offers presented to them at the right time.

Finally, retention is about increasing stick rate of each customer and enhancing the relationship customers have with your business. This is what is called customer service. You must strive to give your customers a wow product delivery experience by over-delivering on your promises. You will be greatly rewarded through repeat business and referrals.

Of the three lets talk about retention. Now you might be wondering how can I give a wow product delivery experience. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest must-have technology that is helping start-ups across the world deliver quality to their customers.

Whatever your industry there are  AI-enhanced applications and software that are being developed specifically for you. For my industry online marketing an AI-enhanced application I am using is called Grammarly.

This app is very effective in helping me correct my grammar and write clear English across all platforms I write on from Microsoft Word to Blogger.  As you know content writing is key for online marketing therefore, Grammarly helps me produce high-quality copy and helps to enhance my product delivery.

Grammarly at work

to So what is your industry? Procurement, education, tax consultants, entertainment, customs … ? You can find an industry-specific application online that can help you enhance the quality of your product delivery. For example, if you are in education you can do what I did for my client E-Blue Institute. E-Blue Institute is a high school college in Budiriro Harare. To improve the quality of product delivery I introduced them to a school management and childcare application.

Amongst its many features, this app enhances how a teacher marks attendance. The app has three portals – admin, teacher, and student/parent. It runs on a browser as well as Android. Each of the three people mentioned in the aforementioned categories downloads the app onto their smartphones.

So if the teacher marks absent, present, or late this will reflect in the student/parent portal. This means parents instantly receive updates on their mobile phones pertaining to their children’s daily school attendance. Children are the center of a parent’s world so there is no reason this app can fail to help enhance product delivery.

Some apps or software are not necessarily AI-enhanced but they are still good enough to do the job. 

Again a big training Start-up Growth Mastermind is coming. It is free. If you have not registered yet please click here

As we count down towards the free training I share a lot of bonus articles like this one through my social media pages. In order not to miss any of these articles please follow my social media pages below;


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