3 ways a blog can effectively herald a new product in the market.

A blog is a type of a website that facilitates the sharing of personal experiences, passions etc with the public. There are many other types of websites like search engines e.g Google, and e-commerce sites like those used by banks for online banking and all these are molded to meet a designated need. The concept of a blog can be harnessed by businesses so that its used to tell testimonies, stories by people whose lives were positively impacted by a particular product or service. A blog is designed to tell life stories and this capability is harnessed to become a powerful marketing tactic. All consumers want to know how a product helped others in real life before they try it themselves. Advertising cannot do this no wonder why consumers are somewhat adverse to them. A blog is the only type of website that can do this and many major corporations across the world are including them in their marketing of various products like toothpaste, automobiles, travel and tour packages to mention only a few. This article is going to give three ways about how a blog can be used to effectively herald a new product by an upcoming entrepreneur.

1. Differentiation

A blog article is more effective than advertising in differentiating a product and this means that its effective in presenting the unique aspects of a new product. A blog allows the entrepreneur to use a diversity of tools like videos, infographics, text etc in expounding the unique qualities of a product that can not be found in competing counterparts. This works out well for a newcomer because it a) can leverage upon its competitive advantage b) can stand out of the advertising  clutter.  

2. Authority   

Consumers or clients have questions they need to be answered. Whoever answers consumers’ questions satisfactorily becomes an authority in their eyes and this is the kind of a person they think of first when they want to spend money on issues relevant to the answered questions. Indeed, answering consumers’ questions is as good as acquiring a license to print money for some time. A blog allows a business to have this question and answer interaction also known as Q&A. The comment section of blogs is probably the most hi-tech feature for this in the world.

3. Cost effective

A shoe string budget is probably the biggest disadvantage of new entrepreneurs. As a result they are unable to afford expensive advertising in the media of some of their products although sometimes these new products may be better than those of well funded players. A blog helps start ups, small and medium enterprises to get wonderful exposure at low costs. This is made possible by state of the art social media sharing capabilities and second to none search engine optimization also known as SEO . SEO refers to the degree to which a website is liked by search engines like Google and Yahoo. Blogs’ SEO is high because of the ability to make fresh updates and content regularly – search engines love fresh online content.  

As an entrepreneur introducing a new product in the market isn't easy ... what has been your own experiences? Lets share in the comments section.



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